Fremont takes the stress out of enrolling in college by working with you every step of the way to determine your career goals and help you find a way to pay for school. If you have concerns about the affordability of college, our financial aid team will help you apply for grants and student loans to fund your education. We are committed to ensure that nothing stands in your way of obtaining the career you want.
You can apply online or call 1-800-FREMONT to schedule an appointment. Below are admissions requirements to enroll in a higher education degree at Fremont University (see school catalog for more information):
At Fremont University, we focus on career education and keep our degree and diploma programs up-to-date to ensure they meet the changing requirements of today’s workforce. Our programs are practical for the real world, giving our graduates a competitive edge. Learn more about our degree and diploma programs by clicking on the links below.
* Massage Therapy: 40 Weeks – 60 Units