Find out if you’re eligible for financial aid assistance. Some of the financing options that might be available to you might include federal grants, federal loans, scholarships, veteran educational benefits, and military tuition assistance. For more information, contact Fremont University today!
Start Your New Future CareerFremont University offers several degree programs available through the College of Healthcare, College of Legal Studies, College of Multimedia Design, and College of Business. Degree programs are available in Healthcare Management, Healthcare Information Technology, Sports and Rehabilitation Therapy, Paralegal Studies, Business Administration, and Business Leadership.
Below is a list of grants, based on financial need, that do not need to be repaid unless a student withdraws from school and owes a refund.
This grant program is designed to assist undergraduate students who want to continue their education beyond high school and can demonstrate need. Every student is entitled to apply for a Federal Pell Grant. Eligibility is determined by a standard U.S. Department of Education formula, which uses family size, income, and resources to determine need. The actual amount of the award is based upon the cost of attendance, enrollment status, and the amount of money appropriated by Congress to fund the program. The Federal Pell Grant makes it possible to provide a foundation of financial aid to help defray the costs of a post-secondary education. Unlike loans, the Federal Pell Grant does not usually have to be paid back.
The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is available to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor or professional degree. Unlike a loan, the FSEOG does not have to be repaid. When determining the priority-based order in which students will be awarded FSEOG funds, Fremont University considers those students with exceptional financial need who will also be receiving Federal Pell Grant funds.
Cal Grant is a financial aid program you do not have to pay back administrated by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) providing aid to California undergraduates and vocational training students. Cal Grant gives funds to students who meet GPA and parent income requirements. Cal Grant applicants must file a FAFSA between January 1 and March 2 each year, along with the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form. Fremont University participates in the Cal Grant B and C programs. For more information about the application process, please visit
FWS aid allows students to work part-time and receive need-based aid to finance the cost of their education. Fremont University provides work-study job opportunities to students who qualify.
Below is a list of low-interest loans that enable students to meet their educational costs. Unlike grants, educational loans must be paid back. Interest charges vary with the type of loan, and a minimum monthly payment may be required.
Federal Stafford loans, available through the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, are low-interest loans made to the student by the U.S. Department of Education. The loan must be used to pay for direct and/or indirect educational expenses. Subsidized loans are need-based, while unsubsidized loans are not. Repayment begins six months after the student graduates, withdraws from school, or falls below half-time enrollment status.
The Federal Direct PLUS Loan is available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. These loans are not based on need; however, when combined with other resources, the loan value cannot exceed the students cost of attendance. A credit check is required, and either or both parents may borrow through this program. Repayment begins within 60 days of final disbursement of the loan within a loan period.
Payment plans offer alternative financing options to cover tuition and fees. A Financial Aid staff member can help guide you through the available options.
Fremont University is approved for the training of Veterans and eligible persons under the provisions of Title 38. We have been designated a 2020-2021 Military Friendly® School and are committed to providing a high quality education to our veteran heroes. Available programs include:
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Department of Defense (DoD) Military Tuition Assistance (TA) The Military Tuition Assistance program provides educational assistance to active duty military members. Each branch has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process and restrictions. If you are unsure if you are eligible and would like to learn more, please visit your Education Service Specialist or Education Service Officer of your respective branch.
Download the Fremont University FA Code of ConductMy Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship Program The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program provides financial assistance for military spouses. MyCAA helps military spouses pursue licenses, certificates, or associate degrees necessary to gain employment in high demand, high growth portable career fields and occupations. Eligible spouses can establish a MyCAA account by visiting the MyCAA website at If you’re veteran, you may qualify for VA education benefits. Eligible military personnel should contact the Financial Aid Department for further assistance.
At Fremont University, we focus on career education and keep our degree and diploma programs up-to-date to ensure they meet the changing requirements of today’s workforce. Our programs are practical for the real world, giving our graduates a competitive edge. Learn more about our degree and diploma programs by clicking on the links below.
* Massage Therapy: 40 Weeks – 60 Units