How to Do Well in College
Balancing school, work, and a social life can be a struggle for some college students. The demands of school, your boss, and your family and friends can leave very little time for anything else. The following tips for college students can help students do well in college, even with a hectic schedule.
1. Show up for class Always show up for class – even when you don’t feel like it. Some professors give participation points to students who show up for class. In addition, the professor will get to know you better when go to class – which can be helpful when it’s time to assign grades. Going to class is a very important part of college because this is where you will receive the most valuable information. You will also be better prepared for assignments and tests if you attend class regularly because you will be aware of important instructions or requirements. Often, there are in class assignments, pop quizzes, and case studies that can only be done in class; if you don’t attend, you might miss out on important assignments which will have an impact on your grades.
2. Treat your education like a job If you have a job, you have to go to your job at a certain time and stay until your shift is over. If you have the same discipline in college, you will do great. Go to class, focus on your assignments, and when it’s time to leave, put away the books and go home. Once in a while you may have to stay late – just like a job – but for the most part, you can leave on time and feel like you have accomplished something. Treat your college education like a job and you will succeed.
3. Stay organized One of the best college tips involves keeping track of assignments using a day planner or calendar to balance homework and meet deadlines on time. Some colleges offer an online learning tool to help you keep track of your assignments. This can also be very helpful when it comes to staying organized. During your first day of class, you will typically receive a syllabus from each instructor that contains specific dates that indicate when chapters need to be read, when papers are due, etc. Add these important dates to your planner or calendar. You can also use your Smartphone to set reminders about upcoming due dates well ahead of time so that you will always be prepared.
4. Take care of your health To succeed in college, you need to maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body. Get plenty of exercise, don’t consume too much junk food, and try to get as much sleep as possible. Not only will you feel better, you’ll be able to concentrate better on your assignments, too.
5. Find your best method for studying Everyone studies differently. For example, some people like to study at a desk while some people prefer to study outdoors. Some people require silence when they study and some can study with the music on or with a lot of noise in the background. Some people like to study alone and others like to study with friends. Find the method that works best for you and stick with it.
6. Maintain a balance between school, work, and social life Many students do poorly in college because they haven’t found a way to balance work, school, and social life. If you can find a way to get your work done and spend time with friends and family, you will be a much more successful student. There will always be time for partying in college – just remember that moderation is best.
7. Don’t procrastinate The worst thing you can do in college is procrastinate on assignments. Try to make progress on assignments every day. For example, if you have a report due in six weeks, don’t wait until three days before it’s due to begin working on it. Instead, devote 30 minutes to the assignment each day until it is complete. Once you start seeing progress, it will become easier to get into the habit of working on assignments well in advance. This will prevent the stress of having to complete assignments under a tight deadline.
8. Give 100% effort throughout the semester Some students start off much better than they finish during a college semester. They may do so in order to give themselves room to slack toward the end of the semester – which can be a costly mistake. Push yourself to do your best on every assignment and make sure you are on top of deadlines. Don’t lose focus and always give your best effort throughout the semester. Doing well in college requires consistency, effort, and focus. Proper time-management skills are also important when it comes to succeeding in college. If you are dedicated and balance your time properly, your hard work will pay off. Use the above tips for college students if you want to know how to do well in college.