Massage Therapy Career Facts Infographic
Massage Therapy Career Basics
The need for skilled Massage Therapists continues to grow as more people look for ways to reduce tension and stress. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Massage Therapy jobs is expected to increase 22% between 2010 and 2020. To be a good Massage Therapist, you need to receive thorough training in all aspects of massage, including anatomy and various types of massage techniques. Take a look at the Massage Therapy infographic below to learn more about this rewarding profession and discover why a career in the Massage Therapy field is a great choice.

How to Become a Massage Therapist
The Massage Therapy diploma program at Fremont University takes just nine months to complete. That means that in less than one year, you can receive the training you need to pursue a career as a Massage Therapist. The massage program at Fremont University is not like massage programs at other schools – our program provides in-depth, up-to-date training using modern equipment and massage tables. You will receive instruction from experts in the field who have years of experience and will also get the chance to practice your techniques at various events. Contact us today to learn how Fremont can prepare you for career success as a Massage Therapist in about one year or click on the button below to request a free Massage Therapy career guide to learn about career options in the field.
The Growing Need for Massage Therapists
In the competitive economy of modern-day America, it is becoming increasingly important to find a career which has a high demand for jobs in order to promote job security. If you are looking to begin a new career that meets this requirement, then a career in Massage Therapy may be perfect for you! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projected demand for professionals in the field of Massage Therapy is expected to grow by 20% between 2010 and 2020, making Massage Therapy a much-needed growing portion of the job market.
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage Therapy is a profession which uses physical touch to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of the body in order to rehabilitate injury, reduce stress, and relieve pain that their clients may be experiencing. Many Massage Therapists are self-employed, while others are employed by personal care service centers, chiropractors, and fitness sports centers. States with the highest employment for Massage Therapists provide an average yearly salary of up to $84,120. In total, roughly one in four Massage Therapists are employed full-time, while others pursue the profession as complementary to another career.
As a Massage Therapist, there are several abilities that will ensure a successful career. First of all, you must have good communication skills, including the ability to empathize with patients, as the majority of your job will include hearing the concerns of your clients and generating trust by consistently fulfilling the needs they present. In order to fulfill the needs of your clients, you will also need physical strength and dexterity, as an inherent part of what it takes to actually manipulate the muscular system and achieve the intended results of a massage. Additionally, Massage Therapists usually are on their feet for appointments with clients, and therefore must have enough stamina to meet their clients needs in case appointments are back-to-back. Lastly, since clients are coming to you with needs, you will be required to lay out both short and long-term treatment plans that will successfully rejuvenate your clients, thus calling for good decision-making skills in any Massage Therapist.
Which Route Will You Choose?
When considering whether or not a career in Massage Therapy is right for you, it is important to look at the existing field to evaluate how you can succeed. With a diploma that certifies you to provide Massage Therapy to clients, you can go many different routes, depending on your personal preferences and strengths. Your options for career routes include becoming a Physical Therapist Aide, delivering treatment at conventions and sporting events as a Special Event Massage Therapist, traveling to fun places to provide treatments to vacationing clients as a Resort/Cruise Ship Massage Therapist, creating relaxing environments for your clients as a Spa Masseuse/Masseur, or even partnering with a hotel to provide treatment plans and healing care as a Hotel Massage Therapist.
Regardless of the branch of Massage Therapy you choose, the broad selection of job opportunities within the field of Massage Therapy is sure to put you on the path to having an exciting and fulfilling career.
Taking the First Steps
Once you decide that a career in Massage Therapy is right for you, the first step is to earn a diploma that will give you the right to practice Massage Therapy on clients. At Fremont University, we offer a diploma program that only takes nine months to finish, putting you well on your way to starting your career in this field. Our Massage Therapy Diploma Program is not only efficient, but is also in-depth, offering updated methods of training as well as providing modern equipment and expert instructors that will come alongside you on your journey. To learn more about how to join our Massage Therapy Diploma Program, contact us today so that we can help you as you begin your career in Massage Therapy.