OCPA March Student Section Conference

Hosted by the Orange County Paralegal Association & Santa Ana College Program Keynote Speaker Sheniece Smith, Esq. was a paralegal turned attorney. How did she do this in less than four years? Come hear her inspirational story. Legal Staffing and Recruiting Rose Mary Bordwell of Bordwell and Associates Legal Staffing will share her forecast for the 2013 job market. She’ll also give interviewing tips and job search do’s and dont’s. Technology Software What’s hot in the legal workplace? The software applications you should know and why you should know them.
Roundtable Panel Discussion on Hot areas of law for 2013
A panel of paralegals working within the field of Intellectual Property law will discuss tips for success for entry level paralegals. The panels experience will include (Patent, Trademark and Copyright law).
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013
Time: Networking and Registration begins at 8:15 am. Program is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: Santa Ana College, 1530 West 17th Street, Santa Ana
Cost: FREE for OCPA student members and $10.00 for non-members. Please RSVP online at www.ocparalegal.org Click on Event to see flyer information and to register.