Top 10 Resumé Writing Tips
Writing a resumé can be complicated nowadays, especially since most are filtered by resumé screening software, reducing the chance that a hiring manager will even see it. Review these top 10 resumé writing tips that include choosing the right resumé format, customizing your resumé, and using relevant resumé keywords to get your resumé noticed and increase your chances of getting an interview.
1. Review resumé examples
Before you begin writing or updating your resumé, take a look at examples that can be found online for various types of employment positions. Select a style and format that best highlights your strengths and achievements from those examples.
2. Use a template
Use a template as a starting point for creating your resumé. Add your information to the template, and then personalize your resumé so it highlights your skills and qualifications, such as your degree and what college you belonged to (ex: healthcare associates degree), work experience and other relevant information.
3. Choose the right format
There are several basic types of resumé formats used to apply for job openings. Depending on the type of position you are applying for, you can choose a chronological, functional, or targeted resumé. Take the time to choose the right resumé format each time you apply for a position – it’s well worth the effort.
4. Choose a basic font
When writing a resumé, it’s important to use a basic font that is easy for resumé screening software and hiring managers to read. Some resumé screening software is unable to read certain fonts, which is why it’s best to choose a standard font style and font size. It’s best to use common fonts such as Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial. For Courier and Arial, use a font size of at least 10 points, and 12 points for Times Roman.
5. Write a custom resumé
Although it takes more time to write a custom resumé for each position you apply for, it’s certainly worth the effort – especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience. It’s also important to tailor your resumé objective to match each job you apply for. The more specific you are the better chance you have of being considered for the job.
6. Prioritize your content
It’s important to prioritize the content of your resumé so that your most relevant experience is listed first, with significant accomplishments listed above each position.
7. Include your contact information on your resume
It’s important to include all of your contact information on your resumé so employers can easily get in touch with you. Include your full name, complete address, home phone number, cell phone number, and email address.
8. Include relevant keywords
Your resumé should include the same keywords that appear in the job description of the position you are applying for. That way, you will increase your chances of your resumé matching available positions – and of being selected for an interview. Most companies use digital databases to search for candidates. This means that the HR department will run search queries based on specific keywords. If your resumé doesn’t have the keywords related to the job you are applying for, you will not be chosen for an interview. Check the job description and related job ads for an indication of what the employer might be looking for.
9. Proofread your copy twice
The importance of proofreading your resumé cannot be emphasized enough. One small typo and your chances of getting hired could slip. Proofreading your resumé once is not enough, so do it as many times as necessary to ensure there are no mistakes. You should also consider having someone else proofread your content just to be sure.
10. Submit your cover letter properly
It is important to follow the employer’s instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resumé. The employer may want you to send your resumé as an attachment and sent in a specific format, typically as a Word document or a PDF. It’s important to send your cover letter and resumé attachments correctly, to include all pertinent information, and to let the receiver know how to contact you to schedule an interview.
In a competitive job market, these tips will help your resumé stand out from the crowd. Follow these writing tips to score an interview and you will be on your way to getting the job you have always wanted.