Be Your Own CEO and Develop Your Own Human Capital – Mark Young
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[Speaker Introduction] I am Australian. Some People may not understand my accent. In the late 1960’s my father was asked come to Ohio direct from Sydney Australia to help sell the department geneticist at Ohio State University, in Columbus Ohio.
Are you good at something? Are you good at your chosen profession, be it a digital marketer, business person, designer, etc? Down here (chart on screen), are you passionate about it? Which do you think is the ideal cell to be in? Right here… right? Many of the people i know are good at something. But not necessarily passionate about it. You can be passionate about something but not good at it. This is the worst of all working down here.
To not be passionate about something and not be good at it. This is what we call a dead-end job. On average, guess how many years it takes to fully master a practice? The average was 10 years. 10 years of really hard work.
Intuition is nothing more than a pattern of recognition. You have to go up other beyond what you are learning in the classroom. not enough just to know what someone is teaching you, even though you have experts teaching you. Everything that you do becoming an expert, becoming really good at something, these understanding happens that you’re going to see in every aspect of your job. But for those of you who still haven’t found it, only thing you can do is
1) eliminate the things that you’re not passionate about or
2) explore everything you can in terms of the topics by reading as widely as you can including yourself into experiences that you may not have experienced before.
The last aspect of this I think is intriguing. Out of hundred percent how much time do you think the average CEO spent thinking? You said the numbers from 20 up to 80 percent. The average time spent thinking was three percent. Three percent of CEOs spent their time thinking. Take the time to make sure that you are passionately involved in what you really want to be involved in . Because the more you think about it the more you build up this pattern of thinking.
If you feel under confident the only way to build that confidence is to go out there and have some successes. Especially with the meeting people. Going up and just talking to some one can be one of the hardest things. Quite short of that I would send an email very next morning after meeting someone. Don’t let a week go by or two weeks. They won’t remember who you are. Like always queue them and say, Hi Mrs. so and so, we met last night I am so and so. I mentioned this to you. I’d like to keep in touch for something but it has to be immediate.
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