Turning Tweeting into a Career
Social Media is a popular topic in both personal and professional conversations today. It seems everyone is on at least one social media site whether that be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Tumblr, or other. This is because social media has become the preferred method of communication and information broadcasting. The increasing education in web and mobile marketing, social media in-particular, can be seen by the fact that one out of every six seconds spent online is spent on a social media site (Masahble). Furthermore, Tumblr, a blogging site founded only four years ago, now has over 20 million blog posts, a number 3 times that of WorldPress, a news site established eight years ago (Mashable).
What began as a way for people to connect, or re-connect, with friends online has transformed into an innovative and profound marketing platform. Social media has become a standard medium of marketing for businesses. In fact, in 2007, 57% of Fortune 500 companies used social media. In 2008 it grew to 77%, in 2009 to 91%, and today it is almost impossible to find a company that does not use any social media (Brian Solis).
Social media is a popular medium of modern marketing because it not only creates brand awareness but also consumer engagement and loyalty. As social media has become a standard for most businesses, there is now a growing demand for social media experts. Employers are seeking out members of the younger generation to fill this job sector.
Recent college graduates are ideal employees as they are the target demographic and are adept with most social media sites. Furthermore, according to Simply Hired, a Silicon Valley-based search engine company, the average salary for a job in social media marketing is $55,000, a more-than decent pay for college graduates (Journal Gazette). Learn more about social media marketing with our associate of arts degree program in business administration at Fremont University.