If you’re looking to start your career and want to learn skills that are needed in entry-level employees in almost any industry, the Business Administration diploma program at Fremont University is for you. While earning your diploma, you will complete courses that are designed to provide you with business and administration skills that can transfer into a… Read more »

Roles At A Marketing Agency
A marketing agency is made up of numerous moving parts which work together to form a well-functioning machine. Each part of the machine specializes in one specific function that supports other parts, which in turn, support it. Analogies aside, the roles at a marketing agency each require a special set of skills that can be… Read more »
BA vs. BS Degree Choices – What’s The Best Option When Choosing a Degree Path?
It is a difficult decision to return to school. You have so many interests, narrowing down the type of degree to pursue is a definite challenge. There is a liberal arts degree, generally recognized with a Bachelor of Arts as well as a science degree recognized with a Bachelor of Science. Understanding the difference is… Read more »
7 Motivational Steve Jobs Quotes
When it comes to top entrepreneurs for business owners to aspire to there is little debate that Steve Jobs is an influential figure and likely on most people’s list. Mr. Jobs was a visionary and despite what people may have felt about him he was able to accomplish much in his lifetime. Steve wasn’t an… Read more »
The new MBA-the Fremont way
Technology makes the gathering of business information relatively easy. The question becomes now what? Knowing the appropriate audience along with the proper understanding of the data requires communication skills unheard of years ago. Through the Fremont MBA program, the students experience real business scenarios which develop the soft leadership and communication skills organizations are looking… Read more »
MBA Benefits For Students – Is a Master of Business Administration Worth It?
New Ideas, New Networks Are Among MBA’s Benefits You have decided enough is enough. You’re at one of two phases in your career. Stage one, you’ve just started out – a couple of years in the business world– but already find yourself bored. Yes, tired in the position you just started. You’re ambitious and realize… Read more »
Are There Online MBA Programs with No GMAT?
You always thought school is cool. There is the ability to research topics you never would have considered. Of course, there is also the opportunity to connect with people of diverse cultures. There are a lot of pluses, no doubt. However, there is one thing that holds you back from going back to business school… Read more »
Google Finance Alternatives
Have you been using Google Finance but noticed that you’re missing important functions? There are plenty of finance apps out there. Among some of the most popular ones are Yahoo! Finance, MSN Money, and of course Google Finance. One of these platforms, Google Finance, has been a tool that investors have heavily relied on to… Read more »
Starting a Management Career in the Sports Industry after Business School
So you want to be involved in the sports industry without necessarily playing in the field. You might feel that getting things moving behind the scene is a far more exhilarating and rewarding job. Being a sports manager perhaps is the career option for you. When sports management is mentioned, a lot of individuals will… Read more »
Building Your Professional Bio
Sometimes it seems that no matter how much we try to prepare for a job application or interview, there is always something new that can be thrown our way. Whether it’s requesting a portfolio of our work, links to a personal YouTube channel or asking us to fill out a questionnaire that will take anywhere… Read more »